Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Sunday ride to Wawa and return

Sunday, June 12 2015

The ride to Wawa Sunday provided the group a good opportunity to put some miles under them and check out the scenery north of the Sault.  Blue skies and warm temperatures provided excellent riding conditions.

Our visit to Wawa included a stop at Young's historic general store, the refurbished waterfront and Mona's Kitchen where everyone was impressed with their meals and the fast service.  After fuelling up, we headed home with stops at Old Woman Bay and the Carver to relieve numb bum, stretch our legs and cool off with an ice cream cone.

The south bound trip provided an excellent opportunity for those who had never experienced the beauty of Superior North to enjoy the scenery and winding road which makes this a "must ride" route for motorcycle enthusiasts.  Coming into Old Woman Bay temperatures were 12 degrees cooler than the 28C 4 kms further down the road causing the headlands to be shrouded in fog and mist of the water.

With comments like "great company, great weather and great roads", "best CMC ride I've been on" and "life is sweet", the Wawa ride was a winner for EchoBay, MrsEchoBay, Hooleo and guest Bonnie, Needles, DD, FBI and Drifter who took part.

Wawa waterfront
(l to r) Drifter, DD, Needles, guest Bonnie, Hooleo, 
FBI, EchoBay and MrsEchoBay